As the autumn season, influenza disease is spread among the people, and most pharmacies are filled with influenza vaccines. But it is best to know that influenza vaccines do not affect the cold virus.
Although colds do not seem to be a dangerous disease, fever, body pain, cough and muscle fatigue are symptoms that can be very annoying and disrupt your daily life.
But before we look at the treatments for the disease, it is best to get acquainted with its prevention methods.
How to prevent colds?
According to research, a person with colds can transmit the disease to others from a few days before until a few days after the outbreak of its complications, so the best way to prevent colds is to avoid people with the disease.
The most important methods of preventing colds are in the order of:
- regular wash hands with water and soap
- Separate the person’s personal belongings
- not hand in the eyes, mouth, nose and other facial components
- having enough physical activity
- mask masks in the presence of sick people
What should we do to prevent the spread of colds?
Coldness is a viral that can easily spread to others and can still be a risk of transmission until its complications are completely removed from the body. This period usually takes about two weeks.
The ways to transfer colds are as follows:
- cough, sneezing and discharge of the patient
- hands infected with the virus (this virus can survive for up to 24 hours)
- used paper towels (contaminated napkins are the source of the disease that should not be present in your living environment)
What are the Cold Cure Treatments?
Antibiotic is not prescribed for the treatment of colds because antibiotics are for the treatment of bacterial infections, while colds are a viral disease.
If you do not intend to see a doctor to treat this disease, you should start home remedies. Here are the best ways to treat the cold cold.
The most important way to deal with colds is to have sleep and rest.
The body needs enough water to counter colds, so be sure to consume plenty of water and liquids when you have this disease.
Pulling brine helps to treat your sore throat, but children should refrain from doing so.
If you do not heal your illness, you can take anti -cold drugs by going to the pharmacy.
The most important drugs are the colds:
Paracetamol and ibuprofen painkillers to relieve pain and eliminate body fever
Spray or anti -congestion pills to relieve nasal obstruction
Note that anticonvulsants are not suitable for children under the age of six and that children six to twelve years of age should not take more than 5 days.
You should consult a physician for some of these medications by children and pregnant women.